From August 15 - December 15, 2010, I will be working as an architecture intern with Engineering Ministries International in Colorado Springs, CO. I will be helping to design a girls orphanage in Sudan, so I have the great opportunity to travel to Juba, Sudan for a couple weeks to work on the project there too! I'm so excited for this big adventure that God has me on for these next few months and I've created this blog to share that excitement with you! Thanks so much for visiting, your encouragement and support is always appreciated!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Calendar of Events!!

This week has been productive! We finally bought our tickets for our project trip and it's exciting to have things moving ahead in our plans! My travels are much more complex than I had imagined, but I'm excited for all of the exciting things that the complexity entails. To help me organize my month away (Sept. 29-Nov. 2), I made myself a calendar (visual learner). I'm posting it here as a link to a GoogleDoc.
Claire's Travels Calendar 

More details to come soon :)


  1. Calendars are great! I just checked my itinerary and unfortunately I'll be in Addis one day after you. Sad.

  2. Wow, you'll be seeing so much. I am very jealous :)
