From August 15 - December 15, 2010, I will be working as an architecture intern with Engineering Ministries International in Colorado Springs, CO. I will be helping to design a girls orphanage in Sudan, so I have the great opportunity to travel to Juba, Sudan for a couple weeks to work on the project there too! I'm so excited for this big adventure that God has me on for these next few months and I've created this blog to share that excitement with you! Thanks so much for visiting, your encouragement and support is always appreciated!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Living Water Ministries, Juba, Sudan

This past week I've been getting projects from my boss, Steve, to do before the trip, which has been keeping me relatively busy at the office. These projects include little adjustments to previous designs on CAD, paperwork, and reading up on the organization in Juba's vision for the project and the project scope. I've just finished learning more about the ministry we are working with in Sudan and I wanted to share it with you!

Living Water Ministry, founded by Brother Mafdy Moosa

The ministry, started in 1984, has ministry centers in both northern and southern Sudan. Since their founding, they have been providing training and leadership seminars to raise up national missionaries and church planters to reach all parts of the country. They also train their students in vocational skills like carpentry, english, computers, farming, teaching and welding by which he or she can be a self-supporting missionary or church planter.

The ministry has land in northern Sudan that they plan on having dorms, a retreat center, recreational courts/pools, and farms on. Part of our time in Juba will entail master planning this site (which we will not be going to). The other part of the time will be spent expanding what is currently in Juba by adding a girls' orphanage, chapel/gathering center, kitchen, sewing workshop and storehouse.


In other news, I'm leaving for Sudan in less than a month! I've gotten my shots and taken my typhoid pills, so next will be making sure I have my visa and starting to pack!

This week the directors from all of the other offices will be coming to Colorado Springs for the directors' conference. Thus, the office will be busy with visitors! We have a fun labor day weekend planned, with the first big event being an intern outing to the Air Force Academy football game tomorrow!

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